Your privacy is important to T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak - creator and owner of pulsstory, which consist of pulsstory.com web portal, pulsstory mobile application, live support application called pulsstory.live and pulsstory.monitor - application for group trainings. Following Privacy Policy rules were made to enable you to understand how we process your personal data. What is "Personal Data" that this whole document applies for? It is information referring to a natural person whose identity can be determined or given explicitly.
last update: 20 September 2018
Categories of Personal Data Processed by T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak
Personal data that is processed when you create a pulsstory account:
When you create a pulsstory account, we ask you to provide your e-mail address, your nick name, your year of birth and your sex.
Purposes and legal grounds:
- T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak pprocesses your email address because you use your email address and your password to sign in to your account. The legal ground for processing your email address for this purpose is based on pulsstory's legitimate interest in protecting the security of your account.
- T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak also processes your email address for the purpose of sending you important information about pulsstory, such as important safety information or material changes to this Privacy Policy. The legal ground for processing your email address for these purposes is T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak's legitimate interest in providing you important safety or other information about pulsstory products, apps or account or material changes to this Privacy Policy.
- If you provide your opt-in consent to receiving marketing information from T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak, T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak will also process your email address for the purpose of sending you marketing information about T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak products and apps. The legal ground for processing your email address for this purpose is your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time by sending such information to T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak empoyee using following e-mail address: kontakt@pulsstory.com
. The marketing emails might receive from T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak are based on the preferences and subscriptions you provide in your pulsstory account. The legal ground for processing this data for this purpose is T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak's legitimate interest in reducing the number of marketing emails sent to each particular customer by selecting which customers receive a particular marketing email rather than sending every marketing email to every customer who has consented to receiving marketing emails. - If you provide your opt-in consent, by saving your e-mail used to send your trainings, T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak will process your e-mail address to determine who sent this files and to add this sent trainings to your account. The legal ground for processing your email address for this purpose is your consent. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your e-mail from https://pulsstory.com/Account/AccountDetails from "email for sending trainings" tile using "delete" button.
- T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak processes your day of birth data in order to automatically compute your max HR and HR zones. T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak also uses your sex to compute most accurate number of burnt callories during your workouts. The legal ground for this processing is our legitimate interest in providing quality analitical training data to you.
- T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak processes nick name you entered in pulsstory. Your nick is being associated with your profile and is displayed to other users when those users search for friends on pulsstory, when you use training invitations with your friends and when you publish your comments. The legal ground for processing this information for these purposes is T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak legitimate interest in providing users interaction in pulsstory system.
Additional personal data that is processed if you choose to provide it when you create a pulsstory account:
You can add additional information to your profile, such as name, surname, your localisation (place you live), main sports discipline (i.e. running, triathlon, cycling, rowing etc.), your photo or an avatar and name of your team you belong to.
What's more user can keep his diary, where he can keep his level of comfort, viological renewal session, point out reasons of lack of activity i.e. regeneration, injury etc., or save his current body parameters like weight, percentage composition of the body (water, fat tissue, muscle mass).
Purpose and Legal Ground:
This information is used for providing users interaction in pulsstory system and give user with as much analitic data about his training and training background as possible. The legal ground for processing this information for these purposes is user consent. You can withdraw your consent by deleting this information from your account profile at any time.
Personal data that is processed when you sign in to your pulsstory account with your Social Media Credentials:
You may choose to sign in to your pulsstory account using your social media sign in credentials (i.e. your Facebook or Google sign in credentials). If you choose to do this, the first time you do so you will be asked whether you agree that the social media provider may provide certain information to pulsstory, such as your age, sex, name, surname, e-mail address and other information associated with your social media account.
All of this information is made available to T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak by the social media provider due to the way the social sign-on configuration works. However, the only information T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak retains and processes is your e-mail address name and surname. If you do not want your information to be shared with T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak by the social media provider, then you can simply sign in to your pulsstory account using your pulsstory account credentials instead of your social media account credentials.
Purpose and Legal Ground:
T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak associates the e-mail address name and surname provided by the social media provider with your pulsstory account so that you can use your e-mail address to sign in to your pulsstory account in the future if you no longer wish to sign in using your social media account credentials. The legal ground for processing this information for this purpose is T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak’s legitimate interest in providing you an alternative signin method and in securing your account. Name and surname are used to fill your pulsstory account data and with it to provide users interaction with other users in pulsstory system and can be deleted by user at any time on following site: pulsstory.com/Account/AccountDetails. If user decides to search for his friends on pulsstory using data obtained from signing in with Gmail or Facebook T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak can download his friends list (this dada aren't stored and is used to search for user's friends on pulsstory portal). The legal ground for processing this information for this purpose is T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak’s legitimate interest in providing user quick and easy method to find his friends from social media on pulsstory platform.
Personal data that is processed when you choose to upload your activities, location and activity data to the pulsstory:
You can choose to upload activities (e.g., runs, walks, swims, bicycle rides, triathlon competition etc.) and activity data (i.e. speed, distance, pace, activity time, calories burned, heart rate, power, cacence, location, laps etc.) from your device to your pulsstory account. You can also use your device without providing your consent to upload your activities to pulsstory. If you choose to upload your activities to pulsstory, you control whether others can see your activity data by managing the privacy settings in your pulsstory account. Your activity data is set to "Private" by default.
Purpose and Legal Ground:
- T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak processes your activity data, if you choose to upload it to pulsstory, to enable you to analyze your activity data, see your location on your activity course map, see your heart rate related metrics such as heart rate, power, cadence, speed etc. and, if you wish, share your activity data with others. If you reside in the European Economic Area or in Switzerland, the legal ground for this processing is your explicit consent, which you can withdraw at any time within your pulsstory account by setting it back to private or entirely deleting such activity from the system.
Personal data that is processed during synchronization of pulsstory mobile application with pulsstory portal server:
During synchronization of your device with use of the pulsstory mobile application we log data about the transmission, such as the IP address used when syncing, the sync time and date, crash/diagnostic logs, geographic location of the device, information about your device system type (iOS or android).
Purpose and Legal Ground:
This data is processed to identify and solve problems with synchronization and application bugs. The legal ground for processing this information for this purpose is T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak’s legitimate interest in solve occuring problems with mobile application providing user with reliable tool to save his activity data.
Personal data that is processed when you connect your pulsstory account to a third-party app if you choose:
If you choose to enable your pulsstory account to access accounts you have with other app providers, such as your Polar, Endomondo, Strava, Runkeeper, Motivato, Garmin, Sunto, Timex, Sigma, Tom Tom, Fitbit, Movescount, TrainingPeaks, Google Fit, Ride With GPS, or Sporttracksaccount etc. T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak will obtain information about you from such account, such as distance with the track of your run, ride or any other activity, your heart rate, power, cadence, calories burned, or pace of your run from your training saved for example to your Endomodo platform.
Purpose and Legal Ground:
Mentioned information is processed in order to copy existing user acitivity or fill one, that already exist in pulsstory with additional data from a third-party applications or portals. The legal ground for this processing is your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by disconnecting your pulsstory account from the third-party app within your pulsstory account on following page: pulsstory.co/ExternalSyncAPI.
Personal data that is processed when you communicate with T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak:
When you interact with T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak customer support representatives via email, telephone, online or in person, we collect personal data, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, email address and contact preferences; and information about the pulsstory products you own, such as their serial numbers and software environment where applications were installed or used. We also may create event logs that are useful in diagnosing product or app performance-related issues, and capture information relating to the support or service issue. To improve customer service, subject to applicable laws, we may also record and review conversations with customer support representatives, and analyze any feedback provided to us through voluntary customer surveys. With your consent, our customer support representatives may sign in to your pulsstory account, if appropriate, to help troubleshoot and resolve your issue.
Purpose and Legal Ground:
T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak uses this information to provide you with customer and product support and to monitor the quality and types of customer and product support we provide to our customers. The legal ground for processing this information for these purposes is T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak's legitimate interests in providing quality product support. The legal ground for signing in to your pulsstory account, if appropriate, to help troubleshoot and resolve your issue is consent, which you may withdraw.
Personal data, obtained by T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak from event organizer in order to prepare competition results, generate diploma or to conduct a survey:
If vent organizer such as competition, contest, action etc. uses pulsstory as a technical partner can import personal data of event participants to the pulsstory system. Pulsstory recives only data necessary to generate and send diploma/certificate (or other personalized content demanded by event organizer) to an e-mail address provided by event participant during event registration. Event organizer can also import to pulsstory photos from his event. Event organizer can also create and send voluntary survey via pulsstory. Access to diploma/cerificate (or other personalized content), photos and survey is implemented by sending a web link on participant e-mail addresses provided during event registration. Each person, that has access to such link (event participant or a person who got this link from the participant) will be able to see all content stored under such link - that is his diploma/certificate, photos and a survey. Thus participants of such event should carefully pick people they want to share such link, so they would not share such link to other people, that participant wouldn't like to share mentioned data with.
Purpose and Legal Ground:
T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak uses personal data of event participants obtained from event organizers only to provide content requested from such event organizers that is diploma/cerificate (or other personalized content), web pages with photos and surveys related to mentioned event. Pulsstory stores, processes and shares combined voluntary survey data only to event organizers in order to rise event oranization level.
Categories of Recipients of Personal Data
Other pulsstory users:
Your activities and activity data associated with your pulsstory account are set to "Private" by default. You may decide to allow others to view your activities and activity data in single workouts such as HR, power, maps etc. or changing the privacy settings in your pulsstory account on this site pulsstory.com/Community to show your workouts to friends by default. You can participate in competition, contests, set your goal, group goals with other pulsstory users, and watch the score boards. When you interact with others in these ways, you will be displaying your data relating to contests, competition, goals or the score board (i.e. total number of kilometers completed during the activity etc.) even if your privacy settings in your pulsstory account are set to "Private".
Clubs, Coaches and Event Organizers:
User can choose to join Club, Coach and Event Organizer Community. If this occurs, user data, his activities executed in this community are visible for such Club, Coach or Organizer. Moreover user's Coach can see all of his trainings, and this is necessary so he can have full knowledge of phisical stress of his pupil. Start of cooperation with mentioned subjects means that Club, Coach or an Event Organizer become user's personal data Processor and Administrator. User voluntarily agrees to the processing of his data by selected Club, Coach or an Event organizer by reading and accepting their regulations. User can stop sharing his data to Club, Coach or an Event organizer at any time simply by canceling cooperation with them.
Live Stream invitations:
Live transmissions is a feature available in the pulsstory mobile application, which enables sending selected links of a special website that allow tracking the device location and uploaded training parameters in real time. Every person that possess such link (diectly from user/author/sportsman or indirectly from a person that got that link) will be able to watch real time device location. Because anyone with access to the link will be able to see the real-time location of your device, you should use caution in determining to whom you want to send the link and be sure that you trust them to not send the link to others whom you do not want to be able to view the location of your device.
Content or feature providers; other third parties:
From time to time, T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak can share or sell activity data in a de-identified and aggregated manner with or to companies that provide T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak and our customers with content or features for the purpose of enhancing the quality of the content or features they provide, and with or to other third parties for research or other purposes.
Third-party app, platform or service providers with whom you ask pulsstory to share your data:
If you choose to authorize T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak to permit a third party, such as your wellness program provider, or competition Organizer, to access your activity data in your pulsstory account, then we will share such data with the third party. We will not do this without your explicit consent. Once you direct T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak to share data with a third party, the third party’s handling of your personal data is the responsibility of that third party and you should carefully review the third party’s privacy policy. When you join contest or competition or an action etc. on pulsstory it is treated by T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak as consent to the sharing of data. You can choose to stop sharing data with the thirdparty app, platform or service provider at any time within your pulsstory account.
Other service providers:
T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak sometimes uses tools to controll ueser reaction for sent content related to user's activity such as diploma, or Event Organizer survey. T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak uses this data to analyze the level of engagement with this content. T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak uses this knowledge to better understand usage of pulsstory and purposes related with it.
Other disclosures:
T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak may disclose personal data about you to others: (a) if we have your valid consent to do so; (b) to comply with a valid subpoena, legal order, court order, legal process, or other legal obligation; (c) to enforce any of our terms and conditions or policies; or (d) as necessary to pursue available legal remedies or defend legal claims.
We may also transfer your personal data to an affiliate, a subsidiary or a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak business, assets or stock, including, without limitation, in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding, provided that any such entity that we transfer personal data to will not be permitted to process your personal data other than as described in this Privacy Policy without providing you notice and, if required by applicable laws, obtaining your consent.
Cookies and Similar Technologies
Pulsstory portal:
To help analyze how you and other visitors navigate the pulsstory portal, compile aggregate statistics about site usage and response rates, help diagnose any problems with pulsstory servers and administer the pulsstory.com website, we, with assistance from third-party analytics service providers, collect certain information when you visit our site. This information includes IP address, geographic location of the device, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request, time(s) of your visit(s), page views and page elements (e.g., links) that you click. We may use cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs or other similar tools on our site or in our email messages to assist us in collecting and analyzing such information. We use this information to provide better, more relevant content on our site, to identify and fix problems, and to improve your overall experience on our site.
If you do not want information collected through the use of these technologies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to automatically decline many of these technologies, or to be given the choice of declining or accepting them.
If you reside in the European Union or other jurisdiction that requires us to obtain your consent to use cookies on our sites, then you will have an opportunity to manage your cookie preferences on the sites; except that certain cookies are required to enable core site functionality, and you cannot choose to disable those cookies.
Pulsstory mobile application:
We also collect data from users about their usage of pulsstory mobile application. The types of analytical information that are collected include the date and time the app accesses our servers, app version, the location of the device, language setting, what information and files have been downloaded to the app, user behavior (e.g., features used, frequency of use), device state information, device model, hardware and operating system information, and information relating to how the app functions. T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak uses this data to improve the quality and functionality of the pulsstory mobile application, and other pulsstory applications; to develop and market products and features that best serve you and other users; and to help identify and fix app stability issues and other usability problems as quickly as possible.
The legal ground for processing this analytical information is our legitimate interest in understanding how our customers interact with our products, apps and websites so we can enhance the user experience and functionality of our products, apps and websites.
Analytical services:
Google: Google Analytics is used to track site statistics and user demographics, interests and behavior on websites. We also use Google Search Console to help understand how our website visitors find our website and to improve our search engine optimization. To find out more information about how this analytics information may be used, how to control the use of your information, and how to opt-out of having your data used by Google Analytics please check following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
pulsstory websites and applications created by T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak are not suited for individuals under 13. Children under 13 should not provide their personal data to T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak using our software. If we learn that we have collected the personal data from a child under 13, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.
Privacy Policy Updates
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time as we add new products and apps, as we improve our current offerings and as technologies and laws change. You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last revised by referring to the "Last update" legend at the top of this page. Any changes will become effective upon our posting of the revised Privacy Policy.
We will provide notice to you if these changes are material and, where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent. This notice will be provided by email or by posting notice of the changes on the pulsstory websites and apps that link to this Privacy Policy.
Retention of Personal Data
We will retain your personal data as long as your pulsstory account is considered to be active. In addition, see below under "Your Rights" for a description of your right of erasure.
Data Controller and Data Protection Officer
Personal data of every pulsstory user no matter where he lives are controlled by T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak which is located at ul. Sielska 6. 60-129 Poznan, Poland. T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak Data Protection Officer is located at the same address and can also be reached by email at kontakt@pulsstory.com.
Your Rights
If you reside in the European Union, you have the right under the General Data Protection Regulation to request from T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data, data portability, restriction of processing of your personal data, the right to object to processing of your personal data, and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. If you reside outside of the European Union, you may have similar rights under your local laws.
To request access to or rectification, portability or erasure of your personal data, or to delete your pulsstory account, please contact T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak Data Protection Officer using following e-mail address: kontakt@pulsstory.com.
If you live in the European Union and you wish to exercise your right to restriction of processing or your right to object to processing should also contact T.A.B. Bartosz Witczak Data Protection Officer using following e-mail address: kontakt@pulsstory.com.