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If you have an idea for an action, when you want to help someone
you just want to achevie some goal together with some group of people

please e-mail us on

We would be happy to help you in preparation charity actions
motivating for sport activity and sharing its results
with those who are in need.

An action can be based on counting following values:
distance, bunt callories, number of heart beats
generated power, gained altitude
or time spent on activities.

If on the other hand you want to set your individual goal (for example breaking your personal best, or loose weight etc.)
please visit
set your goal and using this site celand together with pulsstory push to make it come true.

Manage your trainings and competitions with professional software for athletes
Example functionalities handy in preparations for events and keeping you motivated
watching friends activity
inviting friends to join your training
checking goals of the people in your community
accessing information from organizers considering events you will take part
Interreactions with fans on your own goals and supporting goals of friends
automatic publication of your results, trainigs and competitions in social media
trainings and results commenting
synchronization with popular training computers and applications